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The Basics of LASIK

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The Basics of LASIK

If you live an active lifestyle, wearing prescription glasses or contacts can, at times, feel like a nuisance. But you can’t go without them, right? Not necessarily. It’s time you learned about the benefits of LASIK!

The benefits of LASIK

As the most commonly performed laser eye surgery, LASIK reshapes your cornea to allow light that enters the eye to focus on the retina for better vision. The surgery usually takes about 15 minutes for both eyes, can leave you walking out the door with your glasses left behind.

What to Expect

Immediately after the procedure, you may feel a temporary burning or itching sensation that can cause blurry vision. These side effects are only temporary and should improve by the next morning. Always follow the care instructions set by your doctor in order to have a successful procedure. Although there are cases where you may still need to wear your prescription glasses or contact lenses, most people will achieve 20/20 vision or better after having LASIK.

So are you the right candidate for LASIK?

Generally, there are a few things that you must consider before determining whether or not LASIK is right for you.

  • Your eyes must be healthy–if you have any condition that might affect how your eyes respond to surgery or heal afterward, you must wait until that condition is resolved.

  • Because LASIK reshapes your cornea, it’s also essential to determine whether or not your cornea is the right thickness to undergo this procedure.

  • Your prescription must be within certain limits; if your prescription is too high, it may not be wise to undergo LASIK.

Because everyone’s needs and personal circumstances are different, talk to your doctor to see if he/she believes you’re a good fit for this procedure.

Want to learn more about LASIK? Give our office a call or ask our staff your questions at your next appointment. Our team is prepared to help you choose the right vision management options for your lifestyle.

Written by Primary Eye Care Associates

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